Dear all,
Looking back over our last entry it seems much more than 2 weeks since we wrote it. We have been very busy!
Our new tenants moved in to our house back in the UK last week which was a real answer to prayer although things haven’t gone that smoothly and we are indebted to Richard Staples for sorting out malfunctioning boilers and other teething problems.

Paul has had his first taste of teaching here and is glad to be back in the saddle. At the moment he’s taking seminars on educational psychology (of which he knows very little) and is preparing to teach on the curriculum and teaching methods courses in the next few weeks (of which he knows slightly more). Other jobs have included helping interview prospective new staff, planning the refurbishment of the current laboratories and the development of new ones, looking into helping run a college virtual learning environment and trying to resource unwanted laboratory apparatus back in the UK.

Daniel is loving school and is always very excited when he is met afterwards proudly displaying his most recent creation. Praise God that he is now slowly getting more settled here.

Isaac is getting a busy routine too with 2 ex-pat toddler groups and our new Tanzanian group which was a great success this week. It was lovely to spend time with local mums and their children rather than just being invaded by all the local kids! Isaac loves trying to ‘help’ everybody at the moment and can be seen here ‘helping’ Julius, our gardener, to water the plants and Paul to build the playground.
Christine has just been elected on to the committee of the choir as treasurer. This week we will also be trying to start up the English language music group again which failed to take off at the end of last semester as students were too busy with exams.

Preparations for the Alpha course are going well. We now have a set of Swahili course books and several people are already signed up to attend. We are looking for funds to help run the course, to pay for meals for the group at each session, course books and away day expenses. We need around £250 for this first course. If you or your church are able to make a contribution towards this please get in touch but please do not let this detract from your giving to CMS.
Our official CMS link letter should be distributed shortly in paper form and as an email attachment to our bloggers mailing list. Please let us know if you do not receive either of these and wish to be added to the appropriate list.
Please pray:
n Once more for the English language music group – that a sufficient core of committed people come forward.
n For the students and staff at the University as they start the second semester of the University’s first year.
n For the forthcoming elections for the new archbishop of Tanzania – that a Godly and wise man be chosen to continue the work done so well by archbishop Mtetemela who retires this month.
n For all the preparations required to start the alpha course especially that God prompts the right people to sign up to the course
n That we as a family continue to develop good relationships with the people we work and live with.