Dear Friends,

We continued to enjoy the boys’ school holiday in July and had a trip to Musoma up in the North of Tanzania on the shores of lake Victoria. We were apprehensive about the 15 hour bus journey each way, but the boys had a great time and had no problems at all.

We were visiting our friend, Grace who is there with CMS. These pictures show Grace with us on a boat trip to an island in the lake.

We had a lovely holiday there – it’s a very beautiful part of the country. We have also enjoyed some country walks at home.

This picture is at our favourite local spot in Dodoma where cows and goats regularly come to drink at the lake.
The boys are now back at school and very much enjoying it. Isaac is in reception class and is very happy to be a “big boy” now. Daniel loves his new class and teacher in standard 2 and has made some new friends so is much happier than he was. Please pray that both continue to enjoy and do well at school.

We have also started up bible club again, which had a break since our friends, the Garretts left for a year’s furlough in the USA. Christine is now hosting it at home and it has been very well attended so far. This picture shows some of the children singing praises.

On the 8th of August was the annual “Farmer’s Day” in Tanzania and we went to the agricultural show in Dodoma. These pictures show Daniel testing out a pump for watering vegetables and Isaac playing with a friendly bunny.

A few weeks ago we were invited to the launch of a new English service which will be held once a week at the hospital chapel in Kilimatinde.

Paul was asked to preach at the launch service. This weekend we were invited to be witnesses of the engagement of two of our close friends from Kilimatinde, Rev. Silla and Janeth. This picture shows the ring giving. They hope to get married in November. Please pray for them as they prepare.

Paul is currently involved in visiting/assessing our teaching practice students on placement whilst Christine is busy at work preparing for a big fundraising event for our recording studio project which will take place in October. Please pray that this event will be a success and plenty of people will come and contribute to the project. When we are back in the UK Christine wants to try and visit some studios or other organisations which may be interested in this project to look for funding or possibly second hand equipment to help with the project. Paul will also be looking for second hand books, computers and laboratory apparatus for the University from schools, universities and other organisations back in the UK.

The plan is to fill a container ready to ship to Tanzania by the time we return in May. If anyone knows of organisations who may be able to help us concerning equipment, or for funding for the small loans project please let us know.
This final picture shows Rosie, who works for us in the garden. She is also a member of the Mothers Union choir, and this is her dancing at church.
Many thanks for all your support and may God bless you as you bless us.
Paul, Christine, Daniel & Isaac