Dear all,
Many greetings from Dodoma where it is trying to rain but not
seriously. This is common for a Dodoma November/December and we still hope and
pray that the proper rains will make it in time for Christmas and last for a
good while.

work in the mission and evangelism department is progressing well. Please pray
for God’s provision in terms of funds and resources so that she can develop
some of her plans. You can read more about this work on the link above.

The plans to build a dormitory on campus as an investment
for the University Chapel fellowship (which have featured here before) were
given a much need boost, after slow progress of late, by the visit in November
of Ed Luebben, an architect from America who has now returned home and is
draughting plans for the building as an act of mission. With this help, it is
hoped that things can progress to the next stage although we are still seeking
funds and building work may not start until some time next year.

Last week Christine’s Swahili choir, Kikuyu Gospel Singers
have been busy with the first stages of recording a video of their latest
album. This picture shows some of the choir celebrating on location! We have
completed 2 songs and aim to finish the work in February when Dodoma will be
looking much greener!
We are now beginning to think about and plan our 6 months
furlough in the UK from July 2014. Please pray for us as we prepare for this.
We will soon be contacting our link churches to arrange dates to visit you. Whilst
back in the UK Paul will once more be trying to put together a container of
books, apparatus and computers to send back to Tanzania. If anyone has useful information
about any schools, libraries, universities or businesses that are doing a
clear-out around that time then please let Paul know at the above email
Many of you should soon receive our official CMS prayer
letter which should reach supporters by email or on paper soon.
With much love
Paul, Christine, Daniel & Isaac