Dear all,

We are now at a slightly quiet phase in our working lives as
Christine has just finished one of her big projects (more later) and Paul is in
the middle of the university break. Over the last few months God has been good
to us, keeping us in good health and occupied in enjoyable service. As the end
of the academic year approached Paul was involved in the annual Physics IT
workshop – another chance to help our students to appreciate the use of
Technology within the laboratory by performing a series of hands on
data-logging experiments. He also found time, aside from his usual teaching
tasks, to try his hand at software development by working alongside his friend
and colleague Dr John Ham in making improvements to the university database
system, with more developments possibly in the pipeline.
At the end of the semester we went through our, now annual,
bitter-sweet experience of saying goodbye to half of the English Choir. Having
had such a great year, working closely together during the recording, it was a
sad moment to both congratulate but also say goodbye to our graduating members.
The photo shows the leavers with their certificates and presents.
The end of the school year brings the talent show “CAMS got
talent” at the boys school (CAMS = Canon Andrea Mwaka School). Daniel played
the keyboard at the show and did very well. This is him and some friends with
their certificates. Isaac was a little
too shy to enter this year – maybe next time! Isaac is definitely more outgoing
than Daniel in general but Daniel is a confident performer! They are both now
enjoying their new year at school in standard 5 and 3 and are so far very happy
with their new teachers.

Christine has just finished a month long music and worship
school for church musicians from all over Tanzania. It took place at St. John’s
during the university holidays. It was a wonderful event and the 35 students
who attended were very blessed by it. We taught practical music and music theory
as well as music ministry and worship.
We also taught song writing techniques and gave the students the
challenge of writing a song based on a passage from Song of Songs in groups. We
even managed to record some of these songs. The video below shows one of the
songs which was very different to the usual Tanzanian style. These pictures
show the whole class and a group learning the keyboard. I will soon put more
pictures and details on my work blog too. (see link above)

With love and blessings,
Paul Christine, Daniel and