Thank you all for your continued support. HERI ZA PASAKA (literally Easter blessings) to you all.

We’ve now had two sessions of the Alpha course at our house which has gone well although many of the people seem to have some faith already and so it’s very difficult to judge what impact it is having. However these are still early days and we are trusting God that he will bless what we’re doing in ways we may not expect.

Paul is frantically trying to get the play area in a semi finished state before Isaac’s second birthday party this Sunday when all his friends both Tanzanian and International will descend upon us with parents in tow.

Church life has been a struggle with choir commitments and little in the way of Sunday school at the university church such that the Boys were not getting much from church. We have now, however, started going to the cathedral service in town on alternate Sundays which has a good English language Sunday school that the boys enjoy.
Paul was glad to get a few lectures behind him before the Easter break and is now busy preparing for further lectures, redrafting next years courses for TCU approval (still no news on the Physics course) and writing exams for the end of the year.
Next week Christine will be starting the third in the series of distance learning courses in Christian development and microfinance which she started back in the UK. Hopefully this will prove very useful in the future as there seem to be many opportunities to get involved in this sort of work with the church in Dodoma.
We now have internet access in our home so emailing will be much easier and if you have skype we can talk at leisure!
Please pray:
n Continue to pray that the Physics course is approved by the TCU so that it is able to start next academic year.
n Pray for Christine as she begins studying next week that she is able to balance her time between all her various commitments and time with the family
n Pray that Alpha continues to be a blessing to all who attend
n Pray for Isaac on his birthday, that he has a lovely day with all his friends
n Pray for Daniel that he will continue to develop friendships and feel more at home here.
n Pray for the parish of Singida, especially Rev. Mlowezi, that God blesses their work in the town.

Rev Mlowezi is pictured here on the left with Rev Deo a visiting preacher and ex teacher at Kilimatinde