There’s been a lot happening over the last few weeks, beginning with a weekend away in Kilimatinde 3 weeks ago.

We spent most of our time there helping choir Masada to make a video of one of their songs which was great fun. We are now busy editing it and if it produces good results we will continue to record other songs with them to make a marketable DVD.
This week the university chapel was honoured to host the elections of the new archbishop of Tanzania. The elections went smoothly and a new archibishop was chosen who will begin his role in May this year.
In the evening we were invited to a big farewell do for the retiring archbishop Donald Mtetemela at which Christine sang with choir revival. It was a great event though extremely long as is always the case for such parties, finishing after 1am.
The Alpha course now has a full quota of people and we even have several on the waiting list for the next course! It is due to start on Monday 10th March. Thank you to those who have made contributions towards the cost of running the course. We are still looking for more funding to cover our costs.
The English language music group is growing slowly and surely and we have led the singing in the Sunday morning English service for the last 2 weeks which has been greatly appreciated by many. We have a keen core of regulars some of whom can be seen in the picture but are still looking for new members.
Paul has been quite busy with his work mainly within the education department, leading seminars and preparing for the lectures (to over 400 students) that he will deliver in a week or so’s time. Preparations for next years’ Physics course are still ongoing although we are still waiting for confirmation from the TCU (The body that authorises university courses in Tanzania) that it can go ahead. This depends on the quality of the paperwork we have sent them and a forthcoming inspection of the laboratories. We’re also still on the lookout for suitable books, apparatus and computers that people are throwing out in the UK that could be shipped here. Please contact us if your workplace is doing a clearout.
Daniel is happier at present than he has been recently, partly as he has a new best friend at school called Timo, who is from Germany, although communication can still be difficult. Isaac is still entertaining all the local people and enjoying all his friends. He is speaking much more (both English and Swahili) and still loves helping. He can be seen here helping our neighbours to collect water! The Tanzanian toddler group has had rather low numbers recently although everyone still seems interested. They probably just need reminding regularly.
Please pray:
n Give thanks that so many have signed up for the alpha course and pray for the course as it begins on the 10th that many people will come to know Jesus.
n Give thanks for the English language music group and pray that it will continue to grow and be a blessing in the worship at the English service.
n Pray that the Physics course is approved by the JCU so that it is able to start next academic year.

The Alpha course now has a full quota of people and we even have several on the waiting list for the next course! It is due to start on Monday 10th March. Thank you to those who have made contributions towards the cost of running the course. We are still looking for more funding to cover our costs.

Paul has been quite busy with his work mainly within the education department, leading seminars and preparing for the lectures (to over 400 students) that he will deliver in a week or so’s time. Preparations for next years’ Physics course are still ongoing although we are still waiting for confirmation from the TCU (The body that authorises university courses in Tanzania) that it can go ahead. This depends on the quality of the paperwork we have sent them and a forthcoming inspection of the laboratories. We’re also still on the lookout for suitable books, apparatus and computers that people are throwing out in the UK that could be shipped here. Please contact us if your workplace is doing a clearout.

Please pray:
n Give thanks that so many have signed up for the alpha course and pray for the course as it begins on the 10th that many people will come to know Jesus.
n Give thanks for the English language music group and pray that it will continue to grow and be a blessing in the worship at the English service.
n Pray that the Physics course is approved by the JCU so that it is able to start next academic year.
n Pray that the local toddler group grows and is a blessing to all who come.
n Pray for the Anglican church of Tanzania during the transition between archbishops.
n Pray for the Anglican church of Tanzania during the transition between archbishops.
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