Thanks for all your prayers and messages during our difficult first few days here. Daniel is now back to full health (and fortunately doesn’t have to take his foul tasting medicine) and we are pretty well settled into our new house with a few mod cons such as a sofa and fridge.

You can check out the exact location of our house on google earth coordinates lat -6.19663245822, lon 35.7324128041.
Paul has sort of started work, sorting out all the apparatus for the physics lab. The physics course doesn’t start until next August but we hope Paul will be able to do some teaching starting this February in the mean time he is trying to seek clarity from God and from the University as to how he can best use his time.

We have already had some interesting conversations with people at the University and at the provincial office which may lead to a role for Christine in the future in terms of development or microfinance projects.
The boys are very much enjoying life here especially Isaac who is loving playing around the house and is sleeping better than he ever did at home. We’ll all get a bit of a treat when our freight arrives shortly and they unpack all their toys and we unpack essentials such as Paul’s tools and Christine’s cake tins.

News travelled quickly to Kilimatinde that we were in town and have had a regular stream of old friends visiting us. We have promised to visit there soon once we have sorted out purchasing our new car (watch this space). One of our visitors was an ex student who we knew as Said Shaban – a very keen and able muslim student who threw himself into the life of the school, graduated with flying colours, went on to study at sixth form and is now back at Kilimatinde teaching Chemistry. It was great to hear how Paul’s teaching had born fruit but even greater to hear how he has now made a commitment to Christ, been baptised and is now named Amani (meaning peace) despite considerable opposition from his family.
We met our new house girl this week who will start on Monday. Her name is Lidia and she has experience of working for westerners with children.
Please pray:
n That Paul’s coming trip to Dar to collect the car goes smoothly and that he finds more clarity in his role
n That the freight arrives soon and in good condition
n That Lidia fits well into the family and becomes a help to Christine and a friend and carer to the boys
n Last night saw the first rain of the season – Praise God for this and pray that it continues consistently long enough to produce a good harvest this year
n For Amani Shabani and his family that he may grow in faith yety be able to restore relations with his family
With much love and thanks
Paul, Christine, Daniel & Isaac
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