Monday 24 December 2007

Heri za Krismasi

Dear All,

We wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas. Thank you for the Christmas cards and greetings. We have a good display on the wall and no doubt more to come as the post takes a very long time around Christmas! It will be a bit different for us this year but we are looking forward to celebrating with our new Tanzanian (and Australian!) friends and neighbours. Daniel has been opening his advent calendar and is getting quite excited. We managed to find him a first bike in Dar-es-Salaam which should be a wonderful surprise for him, as well as a little car for Isaac.

We are in the middle of a very hot and wet season at the moment and praise God that the rains are still going strong. The usually dry river that runs across the campus even has some water in it now.

Christine has been busy this week writing a project proposal for a development centre which the university plans to set up, reaching out into local village communities to carry out research and small development projects. It has been really interesting and is something I may well be involved in later if the funding comes in. I have also joined the local church choir, called “Revival” which has been great fun so far. Hopefully I will sing with them on Christmas morning.

Paul’s been pottering about at home and in the lab over the last week fixing things as diverse as galvanometers, shower curtains and 8ft long desks. Apart from some furniture that is to be made by Jackson, a local fundi (carpenter), the house is almost a home however I still have a few projects in mind for the future including rain water collection and playground equipment for the boys.

The boys have been enjoying various Christmas activities at the school, going swimming at the local pool (like pea soup!) and getting to know their neighbours a bit more. They are starting to settle in a bit more though still miss their friends.

Please pray:
n That we find a tenant for our house back home in the new year
n That we grow in the knowledge of how God wants to use us here.
n That Christmas is a wonderful time of fellowship and joy and especially that the boys have a lovely day.
n For our trip to Kilimatinde from boxing day for a few days, for safe travel and joyful reunion with old friends.
n For Revival choir, that they will be faithful in their service to the Lord

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